The Rupiah is Estimated to Increase to IDR 14,542 Per US Dollar

Kolom Aktual. The Garuda currency rate on Thursday's trading (12/13/2018) opened higher in the position of Rp. 14,542 per US dollar from the previous trade closing position of Rp. 14,597 per US dollar.

In the spot market, today the rupiah is traded in the range of Rp. 14,529 - Rp. 14,555 per US dollar.

However, in the trend since the beginning of this year the rupiah has still depreciated, by 7.19 percent.

In his research, Senior Analyst CSA Research Institute Reza Priyambada expressed, the movement of the rupiah is still continuing its weakness.

According to him, reduced worries about the potential for trade war made the pace of the US dollar move down.

However, the decline was still limited following a negative reaction to President Trump's attitude that would sue China for alleged hacking and US economic espionage activities.

From within the country, said Reza, despite minimal positive sentiments, the assessment of the still a number of obstacles faced by Indonesia's macroeconomic conditions made the rupiah weaken even though thin.

"It is estimated that the rupiah will move in the range of Rp. 14,610 - Rp. 14,588," he said.


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